Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday Rant: Hate Crimes

Greetings Everyone,
           This week I come to you with a story that I have known about since Monday but wanted to wait till the Thursday Rant to discuss. The Journal on campus as well as a few major newspapers nation wide are running stories on this same subject. This week were SUUSA elections campaigning and voting. The Voice Party consisting of Dallin Crane, Brynn Peterson, Noel Miller and Payden Adams ran a fun campaign. However, when people are different there are those who are ignorant that persecute them.

          Payden is homosexual and not afraid to tell people. However, he also isn't running around hitting on every single man that crosses his path. Well some ignorant and stupid person or group of people decided to tear down all of the posters with his face on them and many of those posters were found with the words "Queer" and "Fag" written on them.

         Now I understand being afraid of what you don't of something new but THIS IS RIDICULOUS! I can't believe Cedar City and SUU would have someone that would do this. We are in the 21st Century and I thought we had gotten past the stage of burning the witches, slavery, and treating people that are different as less than human. We are college aged students and we should at least understand that while that lifestyle may be different than ours, there is no excuse for vandalism and such prominent hate.
         Whoever you are, that did these crimes, I hope you someday can come to understand and tolerate people that are different from you. And to all of us, I hope we can increase our understanding and try to pull together because ultimately we are all human, and why should we treat any other human worse than we would want to be treated, just because they are different.

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