Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Rhythm of the Night

This weeks entry is a actually from a few weeks back but it was too priceless to not share with everyone. As an event manager at SUU I had planned a dance for the Friday of Welcome Back Week or the first week of the second semester. Now, as I was supervising the dance in our commons area (aka the Rotunda) from the second floor balcony I was able to see a very interesting situation unfold.

As the music pumped and the bodies gyrated and danced in a large mob of sweat, I noticed a shorter (5' 9") somewhat nerdy (hardcore glasses) and awkward (scrawny) looking man dancing with about 2 other guys that fall into the same genre of person. Definitely an introvert but more than likely freshman that were wanting to try and branch out so they decided to hit up the dance. Now the interesting part is this young socially inept freshman, lets call him Milhouse because he reminds me of Milhouse from the Simpsons, was about to get so much more than he had hoped for this night.

He is dancing with his friends, mostly just goofing off with some really bad disco impressions, when a very attractive blond approaches the group. Now at first, the group almost seemed like a herd of gazelle on the Serengeti range sensing a cheetah in their midst, very skittish. The girl's, Kat's, confidence and strut gave off an air of intimidation that the men just assumed she wanted to get by so they began to move over, but she really turned their world upside down when she started to dance with Milhouse.

Now when I say dance I don't mean like a stake dance style of moving your body where you have to have the book of Mormon between your respective bodies. This was full contact and poor Milhouse was just trying to keep up with what was happening to him as he was ravished by this wildcat. After about 90 seconds of this she turned around, looked deeply into Milhouse's eyes, and just PLANTED A KISS on Milhouse. His shock was apparent even from the second floor from where I made this observation. His body tensed up and his hands were clamped awkwardly to his sides. As she pulled him in for a little bit deeper kiss he started to attempt to awkwardly embrace her but only for about 5 seconds. This whole kiss lasted about 10 seconds, then Kat spun sharply on her heels and ran off giggling into the mass of people and the rhythm of the DJ's sub woofers.

Now the way the kiss looked to me, I would have to say that Milhouse may have very well gotten his first kiss that night. While I don't know if he even caught Kat's name or had any idea who she was I gotta say that it is one heck of story for a first kiss, even if it was just a stupid dare. The things that happen on the campus of Southern Utah University, tune in next week for more interesting observations from SUU.


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